
A new take on a cross platform mobile UI toolkit for apps

Welcome to uijs

uijs is (yet another) cross platform mobile UI toolkit for apps.

Our goal is to create a UI software stack for mobile apps that looks and behaves like native mobile UI. Current stacks like jQuery Mobile, jQTouch and Sencha Touch are doing an excellent job with HTML5. We thought it would be interesting to try out something a little different and use the HTML5 canvas as our basis for the entire UI system.

Our thesis, which is yet to be proven, is that since we have almost full control on both rendering and behavior we might be able to create a great experience, which mobile users are accustomed to in native apps today.

uijs's codebase is maintained on github (of course) and published via npm as CommonJS modules. See Getting Started for more information on how to install uijs and build uijs apps.

We believe in the "batteries are not included" philosophy employed in projects like node.js. For frontend libraries, this is even more critical because one would want to keep the footprint of their app as small as possible, so we didn't want to put too much into the core library.

uijs is licensed under the The MIT License.


Stability index: 1 - Experimental.

uijs is in early stages of development. It is still not mature enough for building actual apps with but we are looking for awesome hackers to join in and solve all those crazy problems. At this point (v0.0.1), uijs is not yet usable. We are building it as you read this (yes!). If you are interested in contributing or trying it out, you are more then welcome. Ping us at the uijs google group.

Hello, uijs!

Getting started with uijs is pretty damn easy!

Installing uijs-devtools

You'll need node, which comes bundled with npm.

To installl the development tools globally, type:

$ npm install -g uijs-devtools

Verify that they work:

$ uijs
Development tools for uijs apps and modules (version 0.0.1)

Now, create a directory for your app/module and install uijs there:

$ cd hello-uijs
$ npm install uijs

Contributors: Instead of using npm install you can use npm link to reference a local copy of a the uijs module. Git clone https://github.com/uijs/uijs into a local directory, run npm link within that directory and then you can use npm link uijs to install the uijs module as a link. You will see that node_modules/uijs will be a symlink instead of a real directory. You might also want to do the same for uijs-core and uijs-controls within the uijs repo. Loving npm!

This will create a node_modules/uijs directory with the uijs core module.

Export an app box from the main module

uijs apps/modules are CommonJS libraries (require, module.exports) which export a uijs box. A box is a visual rectanglurly-bound element that can draw itself and may have child boxes. In uijs everything is a box.

Let's create a simple box that prints 'hello, uijs!'.

Create a file named hello.js:

var uijs = require('uijs');

// create an app. an app is a box. everything is a box.
var app = uijs.box();

  x: 10, y: 10, width: 200, height: 50,
  text: 'Hello, uijs!',
  color: '#1c8bdc',
  size: 30,
  bold: true,
  shadowColor: '#ccc',
  shadowOffsetX: 2,
  shadowOffsetY: 2,
  shadowBlur: 5,

// export the app from the main module. the `uijs` devtool will expect this.
module.exports = app;

Basically what we did here is create an app box with a single child label (which is also a box). The label box has some properties like bounds (x, y, width and height), which is common to all boxes and some label-specific properties (text, color, etc). The function box.add(child) is used to add a child box to the app.

Notice that we do not specify any bounds for the app because by default it will be stretched to fill the entire browser window.


Now, build and open the resulting html file:

$ uijs build hello.js
dist/hello.uijs.js created
dist/hello.uijs.html created

The uijs program is the entry point for the devtools. We use the build command, passing it hello.js as the input. Type uijs -h for usage.

build created two outputs: dist/hello.uijs.js and dist/hello.uijs.html:

Open dist/hello.uijs.html with a web browser and you should see something like this:



Working iteratively

Passing -w to uijs build will start a file watch on the directory and automatically rebuild when your code changes, so you can work iteratively and refresh the browser window.

$ uijs build hello.js -w
Watching hello-uijs exclude: [ 'dist', 'node_modules', '.git', /\.tmp.+/ ]
dist/hello.uijs.js created
dist/hello.uijs.html created    
hello.js changed. rebuilding
dist/hello.uijs.js created
dist/hello.uijs.html created    

Pretty useful!

Binding attributes to functions

One of uijs's freakingly awesome features is it's binding system. You can read more about it here. Simply put, you can bind any box property to a function and watch any property for changes (even if they are bound to functions (hell, yeah!)).

Let's edit hello.js and bind the label's text to something useful:

Replace this:

  text: 'Hello, uijs!',

With this:

  text: uijs.bind(function() { return window.innerWidth + 'x' + window.innerHeight; }),

Now you should see something like this:


If you change the browser window dimensions, you should see these values change immediately.

Running on a mobile device

uijs is all about mobile apps, so we are trying to make it super easy to serve your app for development and access it through the local network via your mobile browser.


$ uijs debug hello.js -w
Watching /Users/eladb/hello-uijs exclude: [ 'dist', 'node_modules', '.git', /\.tmp.+/ ]
dist/hello.uijs.js created
dist/hello.uijs.html created
starting debugger for dist/hello.uijs.js
uijs debugger listening on port 5000

As you can see, the debugger is listening on port 5000. Now all you need to do is point your mobile device to http://<your-machine-ip-address>:5000 and your app should show up.

Since most mobile browsers do not have a console window, if you use console.log in your codebase, those logs will be outputed on the console of your host machine, making your life so much better.

Since we used -w, the file watch will also work in this mode.